The 5 Best Multifunctional Cellphone Cases
Taking a selfie is an art. It’s the act of capturing yourself alone or with a group of people in a moment you want to share or remember. It doesn’t matter if that moment is just for you, just for one other person, or for the entire world. Here at Passion Projects, we’re passionate about capturing those little moments that give our lives color, and we want that color to shine through in the selfies we take! Chances are you feel the same if you’re reading this. That passion is what drove Passion Projects to conceive and develop the Ty-Lite by Ty Hunter.
We thought, given our industry, that it might be cool to share some other multifunctional cellphone cases on the market.
1. Ty-Lite by Ty Hunter
The Ty-Lite is the perfect cellphone case because it protects while illuminates. A room’s light does not matter for taking selfies with the Ty-Lite because it has 3 distinct settings to accommodate any lighting, and you can dim each setting to achieve to your preferred amount of brightness. The Ty-Lite puts everything in its best light, whether it’s a picture, a selfie, a video, or during a Facetime conversation. That’s why it is a great cellphone case.
2. CandyShell Amped
This case is what it sounds like: COOL. Why? Because it’s practically a portable speaker. We all use our phones for music, so this is a great find. The only issues: practicality and accidental activation. What happens when you slip and your music goes off in class or at the office and “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” comes on for practically the whole world to hear? Maybe not the best case for everyday.
3. The UNU Aero doubles as a secondary battery for your cellphone. Great for those of us who are always on the go, but we’ve all heard of battery mishaps with cellphones. Nonetheless, a very useful case!
4. myTask’s cases literally serve several purposes. A veritable cellphone case Swiss Army knife, these come with mirrors, tweezers, nail files and much more! They are available in black and red, and they cost a mere $19.95. However, their durability isn’t exactly up to par. Nonetheless, a nice concept!
5. The Wallet Case holds a phone, your credit cards, IDs and much more. It would be higher on this list, but who’s got a pocket big enough to hold one of these? And what if you lose your phone with everything inside?! Plus, they’re a bit too cumbersome to hold next to your head when you want to have a conversation!
The Ty-Lite by Ty Hunter is the best, most useful case on the market. Why? Because you’ll never stop carrying a wallet. You don’t need a Swiss Army knife unless you’re a boy scout. It’s 2015 – everyone has an awesome bluetooth speaker. But the Ty-Lite functions as that extra lighting you need for a headshot with your BFF at the club. Or maybe you’re at a concert in the middle of July, and your selfie has the band behind you clearly in the shot, it’s just that you’re a dark shadow cast over them. No matter what, we all take selfies, and we could all use a bit more light. That’s why the Ty-Lite is number one on this list. If you buy a phone for its camera, get a Ty-Lite for the perfect lighting. Take a look at our site for the perfect Ty-Lite for you!